Scope of Support
Navigator Support’s primary role is to assist Navigator service consumers with supported off-the-shelf SAP ByDesign, SAP Business One, and Navigator products.
Support will:
- Provide documentation and general descriptions of functions for supported products.
- Verify if supported products are working as designed.
- Assist with troubleshooting and determining the cause of malfunction when supported products are not working as designed.
- Provision purchased licenses.
- Assist service consumers with regaining access to supported products if they are locked out. For example, by resetting a password.
- At times, require an end-user to provide the steps they have taken to recreate a reported issue.
- At times, require screenshots or a share screen session to aid in troubleshooting.
- At times, require verification of a requestor’s identity.
- Facilitate communication with SAP when required during troubleshooting, or when a service consumer requests it.
- Facilitate communication with Navigator internal teams, and do a warm hand off if appropriate.
- Facilitate communication with 3rd parties to verify Navigator supported products are working as designed, and will do a warm hand off to the 3rd party if appropriate.
- Regularly update service consumers on communications Support is working on with SAP or 3rd parties.
- Provide documentation on off-the-shelf reports and guide the user to the off-the-shelf reporting tools.
- Verify if default system reports are working as designed.
- Field requests from appropriate Navigator requestors for the installation and configuration of Navigator products and systems.
- Enable Datev2, Payment and EFMLW add-ons for SAP Business One for Cloud-Hosted customers.
Support for On-Premise Business One Installations
Due to the nature of On-Premise installations, Navigator can provide only limited support. Therefore, on-premise support includes all of the above, except the following:
- Granting or restoring access to Windows or SQL systems.
- Database administration, though we do provide some standard recommendations and documentation.
- License administration, though we will provide guidance as well as any license files.
When an issue falls outside of the Scope of Support but may be addressed by a billable Navigator resource, Support will ask the service consumers for written billing approval before engaging any billable resources.
supported products: SAP Business One, SAP ByDesign, Navigator Products, and the Navigator support portal
Navigator service consumer: Any customer who is entitled to support through their service agreements, as well as some internal Navigator resources and strategic partners
Navigator products: IConnect, DataCollect, Loxodo, and Navigator supported add-ons
Navigator infrastructure: Connections between Navigator’s owned systems and services, as well as the systems and services themselves
supported Navigator ByD add-ons: Advanced Quality, Landed Cost Accrual, IConnect EDI, Apparel Matrix, IConnectCommunications, Life Sciences, Navigator Usability Pack
supported Navigator Business One add-ons: IConnect, Credit Card One, Shipping One
supported off-the-shelf Business One add-ons: Intercompany, Outlook Integration, Excel Interactive Analysis, Shipworks, Shipping Easy, Avatax, Boyum UP and P&D
off-the-shelf: a native feature or built-in functionality of a product that works immediately when the product is placed in service. This does not include any customizations or extensions.
appropriate Navigator requester: Account or Product Manager responsible for ensuring a provided product or service has been sold and paid for.
Warm hand off: a direct communication between Navigator and a 3rd party to ensure the 3rd party recognizes the issue as theirs.
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