If you would like to save files from SAP directly to your local computer follow these steps.
On your local computer Press Windows+R and type MSTSC then press OK or Enter
That will open Remote Desktop Connection and Show Options
Go to the Local Resources Tab and click More at the bottom.
Check the box for Drives
Click OK then go back to the General Tab Click Save, then Close the Remote Desktop Connection window.
You can now connect to the RDP session for SAP and see your local computer under the This PC or Network Tree options.
To get there connect to your RDP session and open anything that gives you the Save File Diolauge box. For example you could click the export PDF option then choose Save As and Choose a Different Folder to get the Diolauge box in the screenshot below.
Then Navigate to the folder you wish to save your files in. I chose my Downloads Folder
In this path it was This PC > C on WOLFFE (WOLFFE in this spot is the Name of My Computer)> Users > Wolffe (Here you would select whatever your username is) > Then I Right click on Downloads and Pin to Quick Access
This will allow me to have it show up without having to go through this path every time.
Now you can see I have 2 Downloads in my Quick Access Bar. The bottom one is the one I pinned there. The URL bar at the top will have the path to my local file through tsclient. If you save the file there it will be available on your local computer.
Video of the process for PC
Assuming that you already have setup Remote Desktop for Mac https://support.nbs-us.com/hc/en-us/articles/360026425432-Remote-Desktop-for-Mac
Download the RDP File
Find the file in Finder by clicking Downloads > Right Clicking the RDP File > Show in Finder
Open Microsoft Remote Desktop PCs
Drag the RDP file onto that page from the Finder Window
Now you can modify the settings for it.
Go to the Folders Section and select the + and add your folder.
Find the folder you want and click Open
Once you have done that and launch SAP you will see that folder under This PC
Here is a video of the process.
If you have any further question contact our support team.
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