This article goes through the steps involved with creating a Shipment in Shipping Easy from a Sales Order in SAP Business One.
Shipping Easy Account
SAP Business One iConnect Add-On is Installed
1. Ensure User-Defined Fields are active: Tools>User-Defined Fields
2. Create a Sales Order and Set the UDF "Ship Order Sync" to Ready.
* The default state is "Hold" which allows you to save the Sales Order without syncing it to Shipping Easy.
3. In iConnect, go to Shipping>ShippingEasy>Manual Sync, and perform a manual sync using "Sync All" (after you sync, the SO goes from Ready to Processed)
3. Login to Shipping Easy, then expand Shipping.
4. Select the Sales Order by adding a check mark to it, or by selecting Actions>Create Shipment, or by selecting Buy Label.
5. After a Shipment is created using any method outlined in Step 4, a Delivery is automatically created and related to the SO in SAP B1 with the tracking in the B1 document (you don't need to sync iConnect).
6. Print your label from Shipping Easy to use for your package.
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